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- name: Enable services on installed system.
command: arch-chroot {{ partitioning_root_mount_point }}
systemctl enable {{ item }}
- sshd
- NetworkManager
- fstrim.timer
changed_when: true
- name: Make sure root's .ssh directory exists.
state: directory
path: "{{ partitioning_root_mount_point }}/root/.ssh"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0700
- name: Make sure temporary key is in root's authorized_keys
state: present
user: root
path: "{{ partitioning_root_mount_point }}/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
key: "{{ tmp_pub_key }}"
manage_dir: true
- name: Update root password.
command: arch-chroot {{ partitioning_root_mount_point }} sh -c "echo root:{{ configure_root_password }} | chpasswd"
changed_when: true