--- # --- General disk options --- # Abbreviations: # * e - EFI # * g - gpt # * b - btrfs # * l - LUKS # # Available formats: # * egb # * egbl # disk_format: egbl disk_device: /dev/sda root_mount: /mnt # --- Options for egbl disk format --- # Mapper name of the luks container: disk_egbl_luks_name: "" # Password used to encrypt the luks container: disk_egbl_luks_password: "" # --- Grub theme --- # Available themes: # * xenilism # grub_theme: xenilism # --- Account options --- root_user_password: archbtw user_name: arch user_password: archbtw # --- Machine settings --- hostname: archlinux timezone: Europe/Stockholm # --- Display/windowing --- # Available display servers: # * x11 # display_server: x11 # Available display managers: # * lightdm # display_manager: lightdm # Available window managers: # * i3 # window_manager: i3 # --- Togglable features --- feat_bluetooth: false feat_u2f: false feat_dotfiles: false # --- VPN --- # Mullvad VPN account number: mullvad_account: "" # --- u2f pam --- # u2f key for the user defined above, can be generated with: # $ pamu2fcfg user_u2f_key: "" # Modules where u2f will be an alternative to other auth u2f_optional: - sudo # Modules where u2f will be a required addition to other auth u2f_required: - su - system-login # --- Dotfiles --- df_repo: ""